Power Skating Clinic
We have been provided with an opportunity to offer POWER SKATING CLINICS at Taft for a super low price! This is really exciting.
Here are the details:
- WHEN: some Fridays during the season - check schedule for times.
- WHERE: Taft - Mays Rink
- WHO: All 10U, 12U, and 14U players
- COST: The super low price of only $15 per session!!
- HOW TO REGISTER: Select Register to the right of this. It will allow you to pick which session to sign up for, and you will pay at time of registration.
- SPOTS AVAILABLE: 25 per session (registration will close once full)
2024 Power Skating Clinic
Power Skating Clinics will take place on Fridays. At this time, please only sign up for one clinic to allow for more players to take part.